Archaea and Bacteria

Difference between archaea and bacteria

Archaea and Bacteria, these two terms are often confusing as these both relate closely to each other. Both possess the same cell structure but very lit different in the cell composition. The only archaea differ from bacteria as it possesses cell membrane and peptidoglycan.

The peptidoglycan and cell membrane utilizes ether-lipid linkage as confront ester-lipid linkage.

Archaea were first classified in the bacterial category but it is outdated now and scientists found that both have different biochemistry so both should be classified separately.

Archaea and Bacteria
Archaea and Bacteria

Difference between bacteria and archaea

Archaea Bacteria
In the archaea cell, there is the presence of ribosomes. In the bacterial cell, there is not the foundation of ribosomes.
In the cell wall of archaea, there is the pseudopeptidoglycan. In the bacterial cell wall, there is lipopolysaccharide/peptidoglycan.
It Reproduces and grows by considering asexual reproduction with fragmentation, budding, and binary fission. Eubacteria also reproduce asexually by using binary fission, fragmentation, and budding, but it additionally owns a unique characteristic of forming spores to make itself dormant for many years. This is the characteristic absent in archaea.
Compared to bacteria it does not have a wide range of shapes. It has a wide range of shapes including; round, spherical, rod, and spiral.
At the molecular level, it uses processes like the Krebs cycle or glycolysis but uses some alternative pathways to produce energy. Bacteria take in consideration the glycolysis and Krebs cycle to produce energy.
The foundation of it is mostly at unusual environments like in salt brine, depths, ocean, and hot spring. It can be found everywhere like in water, organisms bodies, soil, and even in food.
It possesses the infrastructure of ether bonds with aliphatic acid in their lipid membrane. It possesses ester bond and fatty acid linkages in its lipid membrane.
There are three main types of it; halophiles, methanogens, and thermoacidophiles. It has two main types gram-negative and gram-positive.
After the transcription, the produced RNA strand possesses excessive introns that are going to be spliced ahead. Introns are absent in the transcribes RNA strand.
These are mostly not pathogens as they don’t harm human beings. These are mostly pathogens as sometimes they can be deadly to human beings.

video explaining archaea and bacteria difference

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