Facts about brain

Facts About Brain

The human brain is the smartest body organ residing in the skull cavity, this is one of the very common facts about the brain. It is worth saying that it works like a computer but also the brain is smarter more than a computer is.

As a computer have CPU as a central system, the brain is also like a CPU which commands for rest of the body organs. The difference between a brain and a computer is that a brain has the ability to think and can make right or appropriate decisions but a computer lacks all this. Computers are considered dumb devices because they can only make pre-defined decisions that are fed to their algorithms.

There are uncountable facts about brain exist, also we as a human can’t explore all the facts about the product that nature had developed because Nature possesses no boundaries in smartness.

Facts About Brain
Facts About Brain

Facts about brain one-by-one:

(1). Brain Growth and its memory capacity:

Until the age of 18 a human brain continues to grow and capable to store information of more than 4 terabytes.

(2). Multiplication of neurons in the brain:

Neurons are cells that connect all body organs to the brain, helping organs to communicate with the brain. Neurons in the brain possess the multiplication speed of 200000 neurons/minute.

(3). Glucose as fuel:

About 120 grams of glucose is used by the brain alone daily to carry all its activities. Remember, glucose from fast food meals is sometimes not good for brain functioning.

(4). Weight of the brain:

A normal human brain can have around 3 pounds of weight. It is comprised of 60% fat, also it’s the fattest body organ that possesses 2% fat of the total body’s fat content.

(5). A brain is smarter enough:

A brain is smarter enough that it works more actively and efficiently during the time of night when we are sleeping, or tired.

(6).It can absorb 0.025 kilowatts:

It can absorb 0.025 kilowatts of energy and normally this reading is enough to glow a light bulb.

(7). It has 56-billion nerve cells but:

Despite having 86-billion nerve cells it lacks the ability to feel pain, but it provides other body organs with the ability to feel pain.

(8). 75-100 billion neurons:

It possesses around 75 to 100 billion neurons. One more amazing fact with this is that each blood vessel’s length present in the brain is around 100000 miles.

(9). healthy fats are brain’s food:

Healthy fats or unsaturated fats are present in dry-fruits and seafood which is a very useful and beneficial macronutrient for the brain, also fatty acids boost the brain’s efficiency.

(10). Works way slower than a computer:

A human brain solves problems slower than a computer, but do not forget than a computer is a product only made by a human brain that works faster than the brain.

(11). Nerve cells goes shrink:

The nerve cells of the brain get shrink with the age, this is the reason why humans start forgetting things as they grow older.

(12). 70000 thoughts per day:

It is noticed that around 70000 thoughts came in a human mind out of which 49000 thoughts are considered negative.

(13). It cross-works:

The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body while the right side of it controls the left side of the body but both sides work together without any division or partition in them.

(14). A part removed during surgery:

The brain possesses a specific part that has no any influence on its functionality, hence Doctors remove it during any surgery related to the brain.

(15). Sweet products make it relax:

All the organic sweet products make our brain more relax which lead it proper working, also notice when we study or learn something after eating any sweet thing.

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