Difference between exhaustible and non renewable resources?

What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources

To explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources we have to understand a simple concept that, Renewable resources have not limits while Non-renewable resources are limited. This is a very basic and generic way of figuring the distinction between them.

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Difference between Renewable and Non-renewable resources
what is the main difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources

Is It enough?

I guess You said No, So let us go more in detail.

What are the resources?

Resources are actually value-added things that are very useful for humans for their lifestyle. They can be natural and artificial.

What are natural resources?

resources that exist on earth without any human actions or exist by nature from long time. These are sub-categorized into non-renewable and renewable natural energy resources which you are going to read next in detail.

before we go into detail let’s watch a vide related to our main topic to get better insights:

Compare and Contrast Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Resources

  Renewable  Non-renewable
1. Can be used again and again. Once finished cannot be used again.
2. has low carbon emission so are environment-friendly. It has high carbon emission so are not environment-friendly.
3. These resources are infinite, which means they cannot be finished. These are finite, which means they can be finished anytime.
4. These are low-cost resources. These are high-cost resources.
5. These cannot be exhausted. These are exhaustible.
6. These are pollution-free. These are not.
7. The renewal rate is higher than the consumption rate. Lower renewal rate than consumption.
8. These are not harmful to life on planet. These can be harmful.
9. High maintenance cost. Low maintenance cost as compared to renewable resources.
10. A large land area is required for the installation of their power plant. Less land is required for installation.


Difference between exhaustible and non renewable resources? There is no difference between exhaustible and non-renewable resources. Both are the different names of the same thing. These are such resources that exist in a finite amount in nature and can’t be renewed or recycled once utilized. Some famous examples of such resources include petroleum oil and coal

Difference between Renewable and Non-renewable resources
difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy

What is the difference between a renewable and a nonrenewable resource

Renewable Resources:

Resources that are used by humans by day one of mankind. As the name suggests that they can be renewed which does not mean they can be recycled by humans but recycled by nature.

These resources are actually from the first day of earth and they are still there, which means they have no limits. Our ancestors used these resources for living a better life at that time and our new generation will also use them.

These are sources that are naturally recycled utilizing sustainable practices and biochemical processes.

Where can renewable resources be found? Renewable resources are not rare and so are not required processing for use, so they can be seen anywhere in nature very commonly as sunlight, wind, and biomass, etc.

Examples of Renewable Resources:

Following are the examples of renewable resources:

  • Water bodies
  •  Soil
  • Mountains
  • Air
  • Wood
  • Tidal energy
  • Forests
  • Wildlife resources
  • Atmospheric resources
  • Hydropower energy
  • Biomass energy
  • Solar energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Wind energy
  • Trees and sunlight are examples of renewable resources.

Non-renewable resources:

Resources that can never be replaced are Non-renewable resources. Once they lasted they can never be renewed or replenished. these exist on earth in a finite quantity or number which means they can be finishable.

Most of such resources when utilize pollute the air. these are also known with the name as exhaustable energy resources.

Most famous energy resources of such type include petroleum, coal, and natural gases.


Examples Non-renewable resources:

Following are examples of non-renewable resources:

  • Minerals,
  • Animals,
  • Plants,
  • Fossil fuels (petroleum)
  • Coal
  • Natural gases
  • Nuclear energy

Renewable and non-renewable energy resources venn diagram

renewable and non-renewable energy resources venn diagram
Venn diagram

What are fossil fuels and how are they formed?

fuels that are manufactured from the dead organic matter which is buried under the earth’s crust. These are non-renewable natural energy resources that are formed by the application of biological process such as anaerobic decomposition on the dead organic matters underneath the earth from ver long time about more than 600 million years ago.

These fuels contain high carbon ratio in them and release carbon dioxide along with other green house gases when exhaust/burned.


Why we need renewable resources?

Such resources play a very much important in our lives, they do not only needed for a better lifestyle but also needed for organism bodies for proper functioning to some extent, as sunlight is needed for the body to get vitamin-D for proper functioning. 


Can renewable resources cause pollution?

The answer is NO, such resources are minimalistic in emissions and polluting the air, so they do not cause pollution and almost not harmful to nature.

How these are formed?

These are formed as a result of geological cycles following up on the remaining dead organic matter manufactured by taking in consideration the process called photosynthesis.

What renewable resources are used to produce electricity?

Resources that do not cause a negative impact on global warming, such resources include; wind, biomass, geothermal power, and solar energy, 

What are the ways of conserving natural resources?

There can be many ways to conserve natural resources as following are some of them:

  • By growing more trees we can avert soil erosion.
  • By growing more vegetables
  • Considering the sewage and industrial waste treatment that are being flushed into the water bodies.
  • Considering good quality pipelines to transport oil.
  • By harvesting rain.
  • By less considering the private transport facilities.
  • Conserving wildlife by not hunting animals.
  • By properly recycling wastes.
  • Using organic shopping bags in place of polythene bags.
  • By using LED bulbs instead of traditional bulbs.
  • By saving water in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • By not wasting food.
  • By less use of air conditioners and refrigerators.


Is biomass a renewable energy source?

Yes, biomass ia a renewable energy resource as it obtained from animals and plants. It is considered the source containing chemical energy from the sun. These are resources that produce energy as a bi-product when burnt. Famous examples are wood and biogas. Food is also a biomass type as it produces energy by metabolism when digested by our bodies.

Are trees renewable or nonrenewable ?

Trees are renewable and one of the natural resources in the real sense, we can produce them as much as we can in this world. Trees can be beneficial as they can level up the ground water when we grow them, this can be helpful other crops we grow.

Are rocks renewable or nonrenewable ?

Rocks are non renewable resources, one thing to keep in mind here is that non renewable resources take millions of years to form. They took millions of years to have existence on the earth.

Is livestock renewable or nonrenewable ?

Livestock is renewable, as unlimited money and scientific techniques can be invested to produce as more stock as we can.

What type of resource is the sun ?

Sun is a renewable type of resource or energy, as we don’t have to take care of its quantity, it is infinitely available in universe, also we can alter unlimited energy from sun to electrical energy using solar panels, and we are not bound to produce in limits. 

Aluminum renewable or nonrenewable ?

Metals are available in a finite quantity, so aluminum is a metal and it is a non renewable energy resource.

Is salt renewable or nonrenewable ?

Salt is considered a non renewable type of resources, it is a chemical and also available in a finite amount.

Is glass renewable or nonrenewable ?

Glass is not a natural resource, we know glass is made from sand and sand comes from rocks, rocks are non renewable resource so the glass is also a non renewable resource. Once we lose rocks we ultimately will lose glass.

Is paper a renewable resource ?

Yes, paper is a renewable resource as it can be made in unlimited quantities using wood which is also a renewable resource.

Is chicken renewable or nonrenewable ?

Chicken comes in the category of livestock, we know that livestock can be produced infinitely investing finance, so the chicken is renewable.


We have studied some crucial differences between non-renewable and renewable energy resources. Both are natural energy sources and are really really and equally important to mankind. Preservation of such sources is very much important in our lives and it is obliged to every one of us to save them in the best way to give our new generation a better lifestyle.

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